Hack the Kitty Offers Solutions

Gifting you all the hacks you need to navigate cat care on a busy scehdule

At Hack the Kitty, we discovered that not enough people are addressing the issues that come with working and pet ownership.

There are 2 sides in a pet-parent relationship and we’ve deciated our time resources and heart to finding ways that cat parents and their pet can be happy.

It our mmisiion to make this helpful information availabe to as many cat owners as possible for free forever. We beleive there should never be a price when it comes to showing your pet love

Why did we choose cats and not dogs?

Lots of people say cats are independent and are “low maintenance”. Although they are indpenedent, they still need love and attention. And honestly we’re just cat people here.

Our Stramlined Process

Hpw we make sure the content we give you is pure unadulteretaed truth 

Meet Our Researchers and Writers

The Writers Behind HTK

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